Interpreters' Help Education

Students, teachers, request a free "Education" plan!

Watch the video to learn all about it.

If you school has an Interpreters' Help license, you'll get unlimited private glossary slots and 2 GB storage space.

Otherwise you’ll get 20 private glossary slots and 500 MB storage space until your school gets a license (academic licenses are free).

This is in addition to the free pro features for the duration of your studies.

There are no strings attached.

Request a free education account

Acquire professional interpreters' best practices.

Start working with the tools used by professionals.

Learn to build glossaries

Acquire the best practices for building glossaries.

Never lose your work

Your glossaries and files are safe on our servers and accessible from a web browser.

Stay organized

Find your glossaries easily using the search field, tag them, add a short description to them.

Learn to work as a team

Share your glossaries with your classmates, work as a team, just like the pros do.

Stop emailing glossaries

No need to send Word or Excel files that not anyone can open. Share very easily from your web browser.

Build a portfolio

Build glossaries and share them publicly with the community, let people see your work and improve it together.

Sign in to your account or register to be able to request a free education plan.

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